Inspiration: You Have to…
Dean Jais’s guiding career began in his late teens, sparked by his passion for Borneo’s wildlife and jungles. He learned his craft living in the rainforest for several years and is now an award-winning guide…
When it comes to embodying the spirit of adventure, few people have such a strong claim as Jessica Watson. In 2010 she became the youngest person to sail solo non-stop around the world, aged just 16.
Peruvian speciality coffee. Enigma couples clients with a passionate expert for experiences that trace the journey of the coffee bean, from origin to cup.
He’s the presenter and producer of Layers of Istanbul, a Netflix documentary about the hidden historical sites of ancient Istanbul.
From January to March next year, Galavanta's clients are invited to Los Llanos in Colombia for a chance to spot the Americas' most iconic big cat…
For 40 years husband-and-wife team, Alan and Susan Carle, have been cultivating a space in Queensland, Australia for the conservation of plants…
You’re going to love this guy. He’s in charge of Ahipara in New Zealand. “We’re not here lo give our clients a pleasant holiday, we’re here to change their lives.” - he says.