You Have to Meet…

Ahipara, New Zealand

You’re going to love this guy. He’s in charge of Ahipara in New Zealand. “We’re not here lo give our clients a pleasant holiday, we’re here to change their lives.” - he says.

It starts with an in-depth "non-intrusive" interview - done by JM himself. "I try and get to the essence of someone by using the country as a palette."

That's often delivered through meaningful experiences with New Zealand's first nation, the Maori. Spiritual welcomes, food, carving - even combat. "People leave changed," he says.

Otherwise, he finds people who are subject matter experts.

“NZ's a playground and everyone's just a phone call away. One client was a keen windsurfer; I called our resident gold medallist and said, "What do you think. He said, "Sure!"


You Have to Visit…


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